Monday, April 7, 2014


Dear friends, it is with profound enthusiasm that I approach this subject of worship. At the same time I realize that my enthusiasm far exceeds my ability; therefore, I have bowed low before the Spirit of God, deeply studied His Word, and referenced several commentaries. I feel that, as yet,  I have merely scratched the surface.

“In some form, worship is all but universal. Wherever on earth man is found there he presents to the Power above the offerings of his devotion. Doubtless there are cases without number in which worship has degenerated into mere superstition. Yet, where worship is at its best, it is one of the very highest manifestations and exercises of human nature. Much has been said by philosophers, by poets, by theologians, concerning the nature and the virtue of worship. But more light has been cast upon this subject by Jesus, in the few words recorded to have been spoken by Him to the poor Samaritan woman at the well of Sychar, than has been yielded from every other source. Few portions of our Lord’s discourses have been more quoted or more admired than this. But the world has still much to learn from these memorable sayings” (The Pulpit Commentary).

For a few weeks I have been focusing on the discourse of the ignorant, despicable, thirsty, Samaritan woman who sought for that which could assuage her thirst. Little did she realize her actual need. God did know and set up a series of events that would lead her to recovery.

I am so thankful that God has imparted wisdom to men (and women) to help us delve deeper.  The Pulpit Commentary has been my source for this meditation. (Ladies, I can’t impress enough the necessity of using a reputable commentary.)

The study of these thoughts from the Sychar experience focus on worship (cf. John 4: 5-24). Oh, how every woman of God needs to learn how to worship our Father in spirit and in truth!  The Word instructs us whom we are to worship, how we are to worship, when and where we are to worship, and why we are to worship.

Our portrait is not a pleasant one. We are poor, needy, helpless women, but we are the objects of God’s quest. To Him nothing is more precious than our souls. The Holy Spirit groans and longs to reach out to help us. Why don’t we find time to be in His Word so that He can teach us? Oh no, we will never merely find time. We have to ignite the discipline of making concentrated time.

It is hardly fair to make a need known without giving guidelines to help you in your study. That will be the touchstone of our next topics. In the meantime, please give time to think and pray about your involvement with the Lord and His Word covering the subject of worship -- to Whom, how, when, where, and why. He will teach you.

I have been spellbound by my study of Jesus’ and the Samaritan woman’s Sychar experience and so much want to share my study with you. Please pray for me as I delve into the riches of God’s gold mine.

Norma Whitcomb

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this, precisely what I have been a bit (really) concerned about. I will nbookmark your page and keep checking back. Thank you Hillary Here (on Facebook) helping a widows' ministry in India (but I am in Australis) Thank you
