Monday, August 6, 2012

Thought #1 and Introduction

Dear friends,

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Many of you are enjoying my monthly blog spot, A Window for Women. Thank you for your comments that  encourage me to continue. Because a month seems like a long time, and because I’ m constrained to share more often, I’m adding a weekly "shortie" called A Thought. A "shortie" is a hard thing for a woman to come by! At least we have a reputation. In this new venture, I have found that it takes a lot of time and forethought to say something that will be worthy of your time and will honor our Lord in a few words. I don’t know who will be reading these nuggets, but God does. I have prayed that the Lord, "Who knows all things," would help me write just the right thought on the very week that someone would need it.

What is the source of these thoughts? Some of the short ones are from jottings on scraps of paper; some are from the fly leaves of my Bibles or my daily Bible study. Some are from friends, and some just pop into my head as I write. The longer ones take much time as I reference commentaries and other sources. They must go through the grid of my own heart before I share.

If this venture is a blessing to you, I would appreciate knowing so. This will help me to know whether to continue. Please don’t expect more than a "Thank you" in reply. My cup is very full in ministry -- mentoring, counseling, writing, speaking, witnessing, housekeeping, and being my husband’s helpmeet.

My prayer is that you will be edified and God glorified through this little tool -- "A Thought."

Look for a new Thought on Monday of each week. We will start with Thought #1 today. God bless.
Thought #1 There is no problem that is bigger than the reservoir of God’s grace. Open your Bible to 2 Cor. 12:9. Paul says that three times he pleaded with the Lord to take away his "thorn in the flesh." But God responded with, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in [your] weakness." Infirmities are not easy to bear, are they? May you, like Paul, rest in the fact that in it all God has a plan to demonstrate through you His purpose and power. What a privilege to be used of God in this way!

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